What type of properties do you buy, sell & appraise?

Single Family Residential. We do not complete work on personal or commercial properties.

How long does the appraisal process take?

Turn time for an average property is 3 - 5 business days, depending on how soon the site visit can be completed. The report is usually returned to the client 2 business days after competing the site visit.

How long will the appraiser be at the property?

A typical single family homes site visit is usually about 30 minutes, but depends on the size of the home. The appraiser will measure the exterior of the home with a laser and take many photos inside and out.

Do you do estate work?
Yes, we complete estate appraisals for current or retrospective market value.

Do you do divorce work?

Yes, the appraiser has no interest in the property that is the subject of the assignment and no personal interest with respect to the parties involved.

We look forward to working with you.